Terrorism and Drug Trafficking in the 1990s, 1991, edited by Alison Jamieson
Total Amount of Cocaine HCl Refined in Colombia
1988: 508 metric tons (508,000,000 grams)
1989: 566 metric tons (566,000,000 grams)
Terrorism 1990s, p.82-83)
Cocaine Seized by Interdiction In Europe
Spain 1988: 3,450kg
Netherlands 1988: 517kg; 1989: 1,425kg; March 1990- single bust netted 3,000kg
Great Britain 1988 285kg; 1989 425kg
Total Europe
1987 3,970kg = 3.97 metric tons = 4.38 short tons (US measure; 2000 tons) = 8,760 lbs.
1988: 6,994kg = 6.994 metric tons = 7.7 short tons (US measure; 2000 lbs) = 15,400 lbs
Terrorism 1990, p.71, p.90)
The Global Connection, By Ben Whitaker, Publisher: Jonathan Cape London, 1987
Estimated U. S. Cocaine Imports, c.1986
Total: 45 metric tons = 49.6 short tons = 99,200 lbs. = 45,000,000 grams
[from Bolivian sources, mostly refined in Colombia: 25 metric tons]
Global Connection, p.338)
US refined Cocaine HCl supply from Medellin, Colombia: 40 metric tons
Global Connection, p.339)
Estimated Coca Leaf Production, Bolivia: 160,000 metric tons
Global Connection, p.338)
Drug Trafficking in the Americas, 1992
Colombian Coca Crop, 1991
(note: a statistic providing an estimation for the hectares of coca cultivated in Colombia is not provided)
Coca Crop Eradication, 1991
Army 100 hectares / Navy 196 hectares /AF - / Police 129 hectares / DAS 1 hectare
Total 426 hectares = 1053 acres
(1 hectare = 2.5 acres....[more accurately, 2.47 acres])
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.139
Total Federal Budget of the United States for the Control of Drugs, 1988-1992 (in percentages)
For Supply 1988 70.3% / 1989 71.2% / 1990 69.9% / 1991 67.9% /1992 68.6%
For Demand 1988 25.9% / 1989 5.2% / 1990 26.6% /1991 28.0% / 1992 27.2%
For Research 1988 3.8% / 1989 3.6% / 1990 3.5% / 1991 4.1% / 1992 4.2%
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.141
U.S. Anti-Narcotics Assistance To Colombia, 1989-1991
Military aid 1989 $73.1 million / 1990 $93.2 million / 1991 $52 billion
Law Enforcement 1989 $10.0 million / 1990 $20.0 million / 1991 $20 million
Economic Assistance 1989 $2.8 million / 1990 $2.1 million / 1991 $49.8 million
Total (calculation by researcher, not found in original document) 1989 $85.9 million / 1990 $115.3 million / 1991 $121.8 millon
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.138
World Production of Cocaine 1988 587.4 tons / 1989 596.10 tons / 1990 611.90 / 1991 662.2 tons
Seizures in Colombia 1988 18.70 tons / 1989 30.3 tons / 1990 44.9 tons / 1991 69.60 tons
Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992______________________________________________________________
Whitewash, 1990 by Simon Strong
Precursor Chemicals
Amount of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) lab solvent sold in Colombia by Holanda Colombia (division of HCI)
1989 358 tons / 1992 1,960 tons
1993 4,057 tons
Holanda storage and teminal sister company sales of MEK
1993/8000 tons
Whitewash, p.119)
Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992
Precursor Chemicals Confiscated by Colombian Authorities, 1991
A list of several chemicals is provided: amounts are in gallons. Seeking the Methyl Ethyl Ketone Statistic on the list, the nearest acronym found was "MEC".
Amount of MEC confiscated, 1991: 70079 "GLS" (the acronym GLS is not explained; I'm presuming it means "gallons.")
1 gallon MEK = approximately 6.7 lbs.
70079 x 6.7 = 469,529.3 lbs. / 2.2 = 213,422.4 kg = 213 tons
Coca Leaf Production in Three Countries in South America
( mt = metric ton = 1,000kg = 1,000,000 grams = 2200 lbs. avoirdupois )
Bolivia 1986: 44,000-52,920mt; 1987: 46,000-67,000mt; 1988: 57,445-78,355mt; 1989: 65,998mt; 1990: 64,000mt
Colombia 1986: 12,000-13,600mt; 1987: 18,000-23,000mt; 1988: 19,000-24,200mt; 1989: 33,487mt; 1990:33,360mt
Peru 1986: 95,000-120,000mt; 1987: 98,000-121,000mt; 1988: 97,000-124,000mt; 1989: 123,828mt; 1990: 108,544mt
Total Coca Acreage 1986: 152,000-187,520mt; 1987: 162,400-211,400mt; 1988: 173,745-227,055mt; 1989: 223,583mt; 1990: 206,074mt
Terrorism 1990s, p.82)
est. total Andean coca leaf production
1996 550,000 metric tons
estimated U.S. cocaine retail profit @ $175/gm $53 billion
Robin Kirk,
More Terrible Than Death, 2003, p.240
[no footnotes]
Colombian Anti-Narcotics Activities 1991
Drug Traffickers Captured
Colombians Army 215/ Navy 24 /AF 2 /Police 1153 /DAS 113 Total 1507
Foreigners Army - /Navy - /AF 2/ Police 21/ DAS 3 .................Total 26
Amount of U.S. Anti-Narcotics Aid to Colombia in 1991, divided by Acres Of Eradicated Coca
(calculated by researcher, from figures provided above)
$121,800,000 / 1053 acres =
Cocaine Source Country Dollar Export Earnings, 1989 (billions of dollars) (roughly estimated. ed.)
Peru 1989: $1-1.8 billion (equivalent to 38-69% of legal exports, 2.4-4.6% national GDP)
Colombia 1989: $1.5-4 billion (equivalent to 29-77% legal exports, 4-10% national GDP)
Bolivia 1989: $.8-1.2 billion (equivalent to 150% of legal exports, 19-23% of national GDP)
Terrorism 1990s, p.18)
1000kg coca leaf = 25kg cocaine sulfate paste = 10kg base = 9kg - <10kg refined cocaine HCl
(James Inciardi,
The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.88)
Conversion of coca leaf into cocaine
1 metric ton/1000 kg coca leaf = 16kg refined cocaine HCl. cut for street use
$2000-$4000/mt coca leaf = 16kg dilute cocaine @est.$400,000 (per kg price varies)
est. U.S. wholesale cost 1 kg refined cocaine HCl 1981 $65,000/kg; 1989 $14,000/kg; 1990 $30-35,000/kg
(James Inciardi,
The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.90)
Pipe Dream Blues, by Clarence Lusane, 1991
Florida Banks Cash Surplus
1970- $576 million
1976- $1.5 billion
1982- $5.2 billion
Pipe Dream Blues, p.95
Whitewash, by Simon Strong, 1991
Colombian Revenue From The Drug Trade (all illegal drugs produced in the country- primarily cocaine, marijuana, heroin) , 1993
Colombian government judicial authorities estimate- $5 billion
U. S. government law enforcement agencies estimate- $7 billion
Total Amount of Money Laundered Globally, 1993
1993- $400 billion USD (estimate is referenced as provided by Citibank)
Whitewash, p. 183-184