Statistics Cache: The Global Cocaine Trade
From Terrorism and Drug Trafficking in the 1990s, 1991, edited by Alison Jamieson
Total Amount of Cocaine HCl Refined in Colombia
1988: 508 metric tons (508,000,000 grams)
1989: 566 metric tons (566,000,000 grams)
(Terrorism 1990s, p.82-83)
Cocaine Seized by Interdiction In Europe
Spain 1988: 3,450kg
Netherlands 1988: 517kg; 1989: 1,425kg; March 1990- single bust netted 3,000kg
Great Britain 1988 285kg; 1989 425kg
Total Europe
1987 3,970kg = 3.97 metric tons = 4.38 short tons (US measure; 2000 tons) = 8,760 lbs.
1988: 6,994kg = 6.994 metric tons = 7.7 short tons (US measure; 2000 lbs) = 15,400 lbs
(Terrorism 1990, p.71, p.90)
From The Global Connection, By Ben Whitaker, Publisher: Jonathan Cape London, 1987
Estimated U. S. Cocaine Imports, c.1986
Total: 45 metric tons = 49.6 short tons = 99,200 lbs. = 45,000,000 grams
[from Bolivian sources, mostly refined in Colombia: 25 metric tons]
(Global Connection, p.338)
US refined Cocaine HCl supply from Medellin, Colombia: 40 metric tons
(Global Connection, p.339)
Estimated Coca Leaf Production, Bolivia: 160,000 metric tons
(Global Connection, p.338)
Drug Trafficking in the Americas, 1992
Colombian Coca Crop, 1991
(note: a statistic providing an estimation for the hectares of coca cultivated in Colombia is not provided)
Coca Crop Eradication, 1991
Army 100 hectares / Navy 196 hectares /AF - / Police 129 hectares / DAS 1 hectare
Total 426 hectares = 1053 acres
(1 hectare = 2.5 acres....[more accurately, 2.47 acres])
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.139
Total Federal Budget of the United States for the Control of Drugs, 1988-1992 (in percentages)
For Supply 1988 70.3% / 1989 71.2% / 1990 69.9% / 1991 67.9% /1992 68.6%
For Demand 1988 25.9% / 1989 5.2% / 1990 26.6% /1991 28.0% / 1992 27.2%
For Research 1988 3.8% / 1989 3.6% / 1990 3.5% / 1991 4.1% / 1992 4.2%
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.141
U.S. Anti-Narcotics Assistance To Colombia, 1989-1991
Military aid 1989 $73.1 million / 1990 $93.2 million / 1991 $52 billion
Law Enforcement 1989 $10.0 million / 1990 $20.0 million / 1991 $20 million
Economic Assistance 1989 $2.8 million / 1990 $2.1 million / 1991 $49.8 million
Total (calculation by researcher, not found in original document) 1989 $85.9 million / 1990 $115.3 million / 1991 $121.8 millon
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.138
World Production of Cocaine 1988 587.4 tons / 1989 596.10 tons / 1990 611.90 / 1991 662.2 tons
Seizures in Colombia 1988 18.70 tons / 1989 30.3 tons / 1990 44.9 tons / 1991 69.60 tons
Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992
Whitewash, 1990 by Simon Strong
Precursor Chemicals
Amount of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) lab solvent sold in Colombia by Holanda Colombia (division of HCI)
1989 358 tons / 1992 1,960 tons
1993 4,057 tons
Holanda storage and teminal sister company sales of MEK
1993/8000 tons
(Whitewash, p.119)
From Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992
Precursor Chemicals Confiscated by Colombian Authorities, 1991
A list of several chemicals is provided: amounts are in gallons. Seeking the Methyl Ethyl Ketone Statistic on the list, the nearest acronym found was "MEC".
Amount of MEC confiscated, 1991: 70079 "GLS" (the acronym GLS is not explained; I'm presuming it means "gallons.")
1 gallon MEK = approximately 6.7 lbs.
70079 x 6.7 = 469,529.3 lbs. / 2.2 = 213,422.4 kg = 213 tons
Coca Leaf Production in Three Countries in South America
( mt = metric ton = 1,000kg = 1,000,000 grams = 2200 lbs. avoirdupois )
Bolivia 1986: 44,000-52,920mt; 1987: 46,000-67,000mt; 1988: 57,445-78,355mt; 1989: 65,998mt; 1990: 64,000mt
Colombia 1986: 12,000-13,600mt; 1987: 18,000-23,000mt; 1988: 19,000-24,200mt; 1989: 33,487mt; 1990:33,360mt
Peru 1986: 95,000-120,000mt; 1987: 98,000-121,000mt; 1988: 97,000-124,000mt; 1989: 123,828mt; 1990: 108,544mt
Total Coca Acreage 1986: 152,000-187,520mt; 1987: 162,400-211,400mt; 1988: 173,745-227,055mt; 1989: 223,583mt; 1990: 206,074mt
( Terrorism 1990s, p.82)
est. total Andean coca leaf production
1996 550,000 metric tons
estimated U.S. cocaine retail profit @ $175/gm $53 billion
Robin Kirk, More Terrible Than Death, 2003, p.240
[no footnotes]
Colombian Anti-Narcotics Activities 1991
Drug Traffickers Captured
Colombians Army 215/ Navy 24 /AF 2 /Police 1153 /DAS 113 Total 1507
Foreigners Army - /Navy - /AF 2/ Police 21/ DAS 3 .................Total 26
Amount of U.S. Anti-Narcotics Aid to Colombia in 1991, divided by Acres Of Eradicated Coca
(calculated by researcher, from figures provided above)
$121,800,000 / 1053 acres =
Cocaine Source Country Dollar Export Earnings, 1989 (billions of dollars) (roughly estimated. ed.)
Peru 1989: $1-1.8 billion (equivalent to 38-69% of legal exports, 2.4-4.6% national GDP)
Colombia 1989: $1.5-4 billion (equivalent to 29-77% legal exports, 4-10% national GDP)
Bolivia 1989: $.8-1.2 billion (equivalent to 150% of legal exports, 19-23% of national GDP)
(Terrorism 1990s, p.18)
1000kg coca leaf = 25kg cocaine sulfate paste = 10kg base = 9kg - <10kg refined cocaine HCl
(James Inciardi, The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.88)
Conversion of coca leaf into cocaine
1 metric ton/1000 kg coca leaf = 16kg refined cocaine HCl. cut for street use
$2000-$4000/mt coca leaf = 16kg dilute cocaine @est.$400,000 (per kg price varies)
est. U.S. wholesale cost 1 kg refined cocaine HCl 1981 $65,000/kg; 1989 $14,000/kg; 1990 $30-35,000/kg
(James Inciardi, The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.90)
Pipe Dream Blues, by Clarence Lusane, 1991
Florida Banks Cash Surplus
1970- $576 million
1976- $1.5 billion
1982- $5.2 billion
Pipe Dream Blues, p.95
Whitewash, by Simon Strong, 1991
Colombian Revenue From The Drug Trade (all illegal drugs produced in the country- primarily cocaine, marijuana, heroin) , 1993
Colombian government judicial authorities estimate- $5 billion
U. S. government law enforcement agencies estimate- $7 billion
Total Amount of Money Laundered Globally, 1993
1993- $400 billion USD (estimate is referenced as provided by Citibank)
Whitewash, p. 183-184
Total Amount of Cocaine HCl Refined in Colombia
1988: 508 metric tons (508,000,000 grams)
1989: 566 metric tons (566,000,000 grams)
(Terrorism 1990s, p.82-83)
Cocaine Seized by Interdiction In Europe
Spain 1988: 3,450kg
Netherlands 1988: 517kg; 1989: 1,425kg; March 1990- single bust netted 3,000kg
Great Britain 1988 285kg; 1989 425kg
Total Europe
1987 3,970kg = 3.97 metric tons = 4.38 short tons (US measure; 2000 tons) = 8,760 lbs.
1988: 6,994kg = 6.994 metric tons = 7.7 short tons (US measure; 2000 lbs) = 15,400 lbs
(Terrorism 1990, p.71, p.90)
From The Global Connection, By Ben Whitaker, Publisher: Jonathan Cape London, 1987
Estimated U. S. Cocaine Imports, c.1986
Total: 45 metric tons = 49.6 short tons = 99,200 lbs. = 45,000,000 grams
[from Bolivian sources, mostly refined in Colombia: 25 metric tons]
(Global Connection, p.338)
US refined Cocaine HCl supply from Medellin, Colombia: 40 metric tons
(Global Connection, p.339)
Estimated Coca Leaf Production, Bolivia: 160,000 metric tons
(Global Connection, p.338)
Drug Trafficking in the Americas, 1992
Colombian Coca Crop, 1991
(note: a statistic providing an estimation for the hectares of coca cultivated in Colombia is not provided)
Coca Crop Eradication, 1991
Army 100 hectares / Navy 196 hectares /AF - / Police 129 hectares / DAS 1 hectare
Total 426 hectares = 1053 acres
(1 hectare = 2.5 acres....[more accurately, 2.47 acres])
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.139
Total Federal Budget of the United States for the Control of Drugs, 1988-1992 (in percentages)
For Supply 1988 70.3% / 1989 71.2% / 1990 69.9% / 1991 67.9% /1992 68.6%
For Demand 1988 25.9% / 1989 5.2% / 1990 26.6% /1991 28.0% / 1992 27.2%
For Research 1988 3.8% / 1989 3.6% / 1990 3.5% / 1991 4.1% / 1992 4.2%
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.141
U.S. Anti-Narcotics Assistance To Colombia, 1989-1991
Military aid 1989 $73.1 million / 1990 $93.2 million / 1991 $52 billion
Law Enforcement 1989 $10.0 million / 1990 $20.0 million / 1991 $20 million
Economic Assistance 1989 $2.8 million / 1990 $2.1 million / 1991 $49.8 million
Total (calculation by researcher, not found in original document) 1989 $85.9 million / 1990 $115.3 million / 1991 $121.8 millon
Drug Trafficking, 1992, p.138
World Production of Cocaine 1988 587.4 tons / 1989 596.10 tons / 1990 611.90 / 1991 662.2 tons
Seizures in Colombia 1988 18.70 tons / 1989 30.3 tons / 1990 44.9 tons / 1991 69.60 tons
Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992
Whitewash, 1990 by Simon Strong
Precursor Chemicals
Amount of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) lab solvent sold in Colombia by Holanda Colombia (division of HCI)
1989 358 tons / 1992 1,960 tons
1993 4,057 tons
Holanda storage and teminal sister company sales of MEK
1993/8000 tons
(Whitewash, p.119)
From Drug Trafficking In The Americas, 1992
Precursor Chemicals Confiscated by Colombian Authorities, 1991
A list of several chemicals is provided: amounts are in gallons. Seeking the Methyl Ethyl Ketone Statistic on the list, the nearest acronym found was "MEC".
Amount of MEC confiscated, 1991: 70079 "GLS" (the acronym GLS is not explained; I'm presuming it means "gallons.")
1 gallon MEK = approximately 6.7 lbs.
70079 x 6.7 = 469,529.3 lbs. / 2.2 = 213,422.4 kg = 213 tons
Coca Leaf Production in Three Countries in South America
( mt = metric ton = 1,000kg = 1,000,000 grams = 2200 lbs. avoirdupois )
Bolivia 1986: 44,000-52,920mt; 1987: 46,000-67,000mt; 1988: 57,445-78,355mt; 1989: 65,998mt; 1990: 64,000mt
Colombia 1986: 12,000-13,600mt; 1987: 18,000-23,000mt; 1988: 19,000-24,200mt; 1989: 33,487mt; 1990:33,360mt
Peru 1986: 95,000-120,000mt; 1987: 98,000-121,000mt; 1988: 97,000-124,000mt; 1989: 123,828mt; 1990: 108,544mt
Total Coca Acreage 1986: 152,000-187,520mt; 1987: 162,400-211,400mt; 1988: 173,745-227,055mt; 1989: 223,583mt; 1990: 206,074mt
( Terrorism 1990s, p.82)
est. total Andean coca leaf production
1996 550,000 metric tons
estimated U.S. cocaine retail profit @ $175/gm $53 billion
Robin Kirk, More Terrible Than Death, 2003, p.240
[no footnotes]
Colombian Anti-Narcotics Activities 1991
Drug Traffickers Captured
Colombians Army 215/ Navy 24 /AF 2 /Police 1153 /DAS 113 Total 1507
Foreigners Army - /Navy - /AF 2/ Police 21/ DAS 3 .................Total 26
Amount of U.S. Anti-Narcotics Aid to Colombia in 1991, divided by Acres Of Eradicated Coca
(calculated by researcher, from figures provided above)
$121,800,000 / 1053 acres =
Cocaine Source Country Dollar Export Earnings, 1989 (billions of dollars) (roughly estimated. ed.)
Peru 1989: $1-1.8 billion (equivalent to 38-69% of legal exports, 2.4-4.6% national GDP)
Colombia 1989: $1.5-4 billion (equivalent to 29-77% legal exports, 4-10% national GDP)
Bolivia 1989: $.8-1.2 billion (equivalent to 150% of legal exports, 19-23% of national GDP)
(Terrorism 1990s, p.18)
1000kg coca leaf = 25kg cocaine sulfate paste = 10kg base = 9kg - <10kg refined cocaine HCl
(James Inciardi, The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.88)
Conversion of coca leaf into cocaine
1 metric ton/1000 kg coca leaf = 16kg refined cocaine HCl. cut for street use
$2000-$4000/mt coca leaf = 16kg dilute cocaine @est.$400,000 (per kg price varies)
est. U.S. wholesale cost 1 kg refined cocaine HCl 1981 $65,000/kg; 1989 $14,000/kg; 1990 $30-35,000/kg
(James Inciardi, The War On Drugs II, 1992, p.90)
Pipe Dream Blues, by Clarence Lusane, 1991
Florida Banks Cash Surplus
1970- $576 million
1976- $1.5 billion
1982- $5.2 billion
Pipe Dream Blues, p.95
Whitewash, by Simon Strong, 1991
Colombian Revenue From The Drug Trade (all illegal drugs produced in the country- primarily cocaine, marijuana, heroin) , 1993
Colombian government judicial authorities estimate- $5 billion
U. S. government law enforcement agencies estimate- $7 billion
Total Amount of Money Laundered Globally, 1993
1993- $400 billion USD (estimate is referenced as provided by Citibank)
Whitewash, p. 183-184
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